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How to apply

You may take part in one or both the stages of the competition.

All applications to Start Cup Piemonte Valle d'Aosta must be submitted through the online form, which will be made available during the next editions.

Submit your innovative idea

How it works

To know how the competition works, the admission criteria and the available prizes, please refer to the official rules of the competition.

Download the official rules

Stage 1

"Ideas Competition"

From June 4 to June 28, 2024

The best business ideas will receive a prize in services, aimed at supporting the entrepreneurial team in the development of the Business Plan of the project through free support and consulting activities provided by experts from the competition organizers.

Documentation required for Stage 1

In order to complete the application, you will need to provide:

  • Personal data of all team members
  • Educational background information for all team members
  • Professional background information of all team members

Stage 2

"Business Plan Competition"

From June 29 to July 29, 2024

Cash prizes are awarded to the best business projects (Business Plans). The award ceremony will be carried out by the Promoter Committee in November 2024.

Documentation required for Stage 2

During the application, you will need to provide:

  • Personal data of all team members
  • Educational background information for all team members
  • Professional background information of all team members
  • A PDF document containing the Business Plan / Business Model
  • A PDF document containing the Executive Summary

At this stage, applicants have the possibility, by selecting the desired option, to compete for the "transversal" Special Awards and Special Mentions.

For the Jacobacci & Partners Prizes, after the submission of a business plan to the contest, the participants will receive indicationsfor the drafting of the intellectual property document that has to be sent to the Competition Committee in order to become eligible for the prizes.

The Business Plan

To facilitate the preparation of the Business Plan, here is available a brief summaryas example.

Business Plans will be evaluated based on the following parameters:
  • Technical feasibility
  • Evaluation of the degree of technical development achieved
  • Originality of the product/service
  • Target market size
  • Ability to meet a market need/requirement
  • Competition assessment
  • Sustainability of competitive advantage
  • Economic growth prospects
  • Entrepreneurial team qualities and skills
  • Business plan quality and comprehensivness

During the online application process, in both the stages, applicants are required to identify a reference incubator, choosing it from the Business Incubators of the Promoting Institution, in which to settle after the approval of the project by the Evaluation Committee of the institution itself.


Take the chance: apply now!

The first stage of the competition is open: enter your application today!

You will be asked to register on this site to access the system for entering the documentation required for participation in the contest.

Submit your idea